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We Transform Your Data into Creative Results

Dedicated Dashboards – ready to implement reports designed specially for Your business.  

It’s for Analysts, Managers and People who are in decision-making processes, to help them better understand their work and businesses. 

Order Dedicated Dashboards, that will integrate with your systems and help you become a data-driven company using Business Intelligence solutions.  

How to order Dedicated Dashboard?

1.. Click Order Dedicated Dashboard button.

2.. Fill the form and answer our questions so we can better understand your needs.

3.. Wait for our feedback, we can ask additional questions before we start our work.

4.. Dedicated Dashboards will be delivered along with implementation, automation and training.

What is Business Intelligence?

BI is the process of transforming data into information that supports business decision-making.

It consists of several key elements, such as collecting, processing, and analyzing data, and visualizing the results in the form of reports or interactive dashboards.

With BI, organizations can identify trends, monitor performance, and make better strategic decisions.

Data analysis

Check The Blog To Learn More About Our Work

Google Analytics GA4 Report

Google Analytics 4 is the next-generation analytics solution that replaced Universal Analytics. On July 1, 2023, standard services in Universal Analytics will stop processing new data, and on

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Monthly Report

Are you responsible for sales results? Are you responsible for the work of the branches or do you want to check the progress in implementing the plan? The Monthly Report will help you analyze the

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Government Debt in Europe

The situation in the area of increasing public debt is very serious in many European countries.The level of GD and its share of GDP are important indicators that deserve close monitoring.The

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Asylum Seekers Dashboard

Have you ever wondered how many refugees applied for asylum in Poland between 2000 and 2017? Which country received the most and the fewest asylum applications? How many asylum applications have

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Dashboard for Movie Producer

You are a movie producer and would like to know what kind of movie you should invest in and what people should you hire in order to increase the chances for making a successful movie? Probably

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Own Pension Plan?

How long you need to save money for your own pension plan? How many years you can cover your expenses? What amount should you collect to get a quicker retirement? Use our dynamic dashboard

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Zgoda marketingowa

Maciej Kaniewski

Business Intelligence Architect

Luiza Kaniewska

Business Intelligence Specialist

Business Intelligence is my work and passion. I deliver analytics, reports, visualizations and data flow automatizations for over 15 years. 

I design dashboards to help people see and understand data with attention on details and uncompromising standards.

Dedicated Dashboards
Boost your Success

Use our form to order a dedicated dashboard which will fit your environment and help you answer your business questions using one of three best Business Intelligence platform.